This package is suitable for any academic text written by researchers who are non-native speakers of English. It provides:

Careful and substantive editing, with text rewriting and reorganization (if required), to ensure:

  • the key messages, impact, and significance of the work are immediately obvious to the reader
  • the aim and rationale of the study or work are clear and are expressed consistently throughout the text
  • the concepts flow smoothly and logically from paragraph to paragraph and from section to section
  • there is no ambiguity or inclusion of less relevant concepts or data that could cause reader confusion
  • the methods are described with the appropriate amount of detail needed for reproducibility
  • there are no missing data and no discrepancies in the way the data are described in various sections of the work
  • the statistics that are used are appropriate and are described correctly
  • the figures, figure legends, and tables are spelled and formatted correctly and consistently

One FREE re-edit

Reference-based Editing: where needed, I consult the cited reference. This ensures maximal fidelity to your intended meaning and can greatly improve the accuracy of the manuscript

Careful explanation in comments about why changes were made

Helpful comments, including about how to improve your manuscript further*

The manuscript contains the elements required by relevant biomedical study reporting guidelines (e.g. CONSORT, STROBE, ARRIVE etc.)

The requirements of the target journal or funding body are met, including American/British English usage, word counts**, format, and ethics, conflict of interest, funding, and other declarations

PDF Editing certificate

Click HERE to see an example of the Comprehensive Editing service. 

Prices for the Comprehensive Editing package*
Price per word Regular (7-day)
Price per word Express (72 hour)

US$0.10 / 0.09

US$0.14 / 0.125

*Euro prices may change depending on the exchange rate between US dollars and the Euro

To estimate how it will cost to edit your manuscript with the Comprehensive Editing service, simply multiply the total number of words in your manuscript (without references) by the price per word shown above. For example, if your manuscript is 2000 words (without references), Comprehensive Editing at the Regular rate will cost US$200 (2000xUS$0.10) or US$280 at the Express rate (2000xUS$0.14).

* Note that the Analytical Review Service provides an in-depth detailed analysis of the strengths and weakness of the manuscript. 

** Word counts will be met unless the word count markedly exceeds the word count limit. At that point, further word count reduction becomes risky: I may inadvertently delete important information. Large word count reduction is also very time-consuming. In this case, I will inform you that the manuscript body exceeds the word count limit and that I advise you to revise the manuscript to reduce the word count.